News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
If the U.S. government does not like “conspiracy theories” that discredit their “official narratives,” they should provide science, evidence and proof otherwise
The tell-tale signs the most nefarious three-letter agencies of the U.S. government, namely the FBI, CIA, CDC and FDA, cover up their own despicable acts is when they clean up the aftermath far too quickly, claim it’s all “classified info,” and never release it to the public or press. Several clear cut examples immediately come […]
By S.D. Wells
MILLIONS of previously pro-vaccine zealots now dogmatically SKEPTICAL about ever getting another vaccine, thanks to the deadly mRNA CLOT SHOTS
One of the most popular podcasters in the world, Joe Rogan, has a knack for asking great questions, but until the Covid vaccines started decimating so many people, he too was a pro-vax zealot. How quickly minds can change. Follow the science and the testimonials and even the most dogmatic supporters of every jab the […]
By S.D. Wells
Trump is a multi-billionaire, so WHY does he rely on the DEEP STATE that absolutely hates him to provide him with a Secret Service detail for a political rally?
President Donald J. Trump is currently worth $7.5 billion. Trump’s net worth even jumped up a billion dollars after the assassination attempt. Imagine that. During Trump’s presidency, Trump hotels charged the Secret Service over $1,000 per night, and this continued after he left office. Was he paranoid or just smart? Trump even uses secret service to […]
By S.D. Wells
Trump’s would-be assassin reportedly flew a drone over the fairgrounds before the speech and could have dropped explosives on Trump
Immediately after every mass shooting, fake news jumps to the podium to declare it was a “lone shooter” with a “long gun.” No matter how many bullets are fired, from how many directions, and no matter what intel, equipment, planning, recon and technology was involved, the narrative stays the same from day one. Plus, the […]
By S.D. Wells
“Trust the Science?” … or follow the MONEY and find out the science was faked? Pharma drives “science” outcomes to fit their desired endpoints – patented drug sales
We are all fiercely coerced to “trust the science” and “follow the science” in this country or be labeled an anti-science blasphemer, who is responsible for destroying lives, the environment, and ruining the entire advancement of civilization. Yet, the root of all science lives in questioning the science, rigorously always testing the science, re-examining it, […]
By S.D. Wells
VIRUS MANIA PART III: Perpetual “state of emergency” the new normal for America, as long as the CDC writes the script
There has never been a more primed example of virus mania in the world than what is going on right now with COVID-19. Just recently, the CDC and corporate media have pushed out the latest, “most dangerous” propaganda about the Ninja variant of COVID-19, also known as BA. 5, in order to push more bioweapon […]
By S.D. Wells
VIRUS MANIA PART II: Anthony Fauci is just the latest in a long line of virus hucksters and con artists going way back in history
It is true that Anthony “Fraudulent” Fauci is at the epicenter of the SARS-Coronavirus scamdemic that has cost millions of lives around the globe while padding the pockets of Big Pharma gurus around the planet, including himself. Fauci was instrumental in funding the research for “gain of function,” that enabled a strictly animal virus to […]
By S.D. Wells
VIRUS MANIA PART I: The FRAUD of Louis Pasteur and the entirely CORRUPT history of virology
Most natural health enthusiasts know this, but the majority of Americans would find the following fact tough to digest: “The primary purpose of commercially-funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health.” That is a quote from the foreword in an amazing, whistle-blowing book titled, Virus Mania: How Big Pharma, Media Invent […]
By S.D. Wells
Edward Jenner, the supposed “Father of Immunology,” was a complete huckster and fraud who never passed a single medical examination in his life – OpEd
For several centuries, smallpox was a major problem. Then, in the late 1800s, doctors and scientists began more in-depth research regarding disinfection practices and steam sterilization. Revolutionary surgical instruments (metal and non-metal) were made with smooth surfaces and from materials that could withstand high-heat sterilization. Then, in the 1900s, doctors and scientists began using irradiation, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 “science” conspiracy theories in full effect right now
For decades, the skeptics of vaccines and pharmaceuticals have been hammered with the same old ‘mantra’ that everything created in a laboratory, since the 1950s, is “safe and effective.” Yet, we’ve all seen the damage done by vaccines, especially when you see how many young boys (at least 1 in every 60) are “on the […]
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